Now more than ever, how your channel partners sell has completely flipped upside down, forcing them to not only find new ways to drive demand but just run their business. We all know partners typically work with 5-25 different vendors at once, and that buyer preferences and processes change by the minute! But! When you help your partners implement an enablement strategy that's focused on motivating brand loyalty and sales behaviors, you not only better engage them, but also help them maximize strategies to attract and delight today's customers.
Interested in learning more about motivating channel partner loyalty and engagement? We’d love to hear from you.
Classic Daiquiri Recipe:
2 ounces white rum
½ ounce fresh lime juice
½ teaspoon superfine sugar
Fill a shaker with ice and add all ingredients. Shake well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
*You can also replace the rum with a non-alcoholic white can spirit or alternative for a refreshing zero-proof beverage!
Get practical tips for marketing ”To” and driving demand generation “Through” Channel Partners!
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Boulder, CO 80302
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