Haley Gray

Content Creation Specialist,

With a passion for content development, Haley loves to lend her wordsmith-ing powers to Vendors and their Partners. A seasoned content creator with a passion for precise word choice, she leverages brand-consistent voice and tone to provide assets that communicate effectively to target audiences. With a penchant for both analytic and creative problem solving, Haley ensures at every step of the way that social and blog content serves specific Channel objectives.

Haley mastered the art and science of content creation in the tech space where she learned to wield her informative messaging and storytelling talents for tech enterprises and their niche audiences.

When she’s not crafting the perfect tweet or blog post, Haley can be found meticulously reporting digital and magazine articles, laboring over a mediocre watercolor, practicing or teaching yoga, or losing herself in Colorado’s mountains.

Contact Haley