Channel Blog - Channel Maven Consulting

Ideal Channel Social Content – Tips, Tricks and Tools

Written by Channel Maven | March 11, 2015

Finding great content to share with connections and followers can be a bit of a headache… Wait, scratch that. Maybe it would be better to compare it to an adult participating in a children’s scavenger hunt – Yes, it can be that easy! What if we told you that a week’s worth of great content can be gathered and ready to share across your social profiles in just 20 minutes? Would you be interested? Of course you would! Here at Channel Maven Consulting we use multiple free tools to make this process virtually painless. What tools you ask? Continue on to see.

Yes, you do have time for social media and it does make a difference!

If there is one thing we have learned through speaking with Channel Partners at Social Media Rally Stations, it is that they want to share content but don’t believe they have the time to do so.  When we share the following tools with Partners, we see an immediate change in the level of social media participation.

Before you get started let’s first identify your audience. Who are your LinkedIn connections and Twitter followers? What type of content will they be interested in? Will they see you as a viable source for that information? From there, develop a list of keywords relevant to you and your industry, and remember to keep buzzwords in mind.

Channel Maven Tip: Twitter posts on #BigData and #InternetOfThings (#IoT) get very good traction. (and by traction we mean reach and engagement).

Find your favorite content sources to post now or save for later.

Once your keywords are identified, it’s time to find content.  At Channel Maven Consulting, we are big fans of Feedly, but there are many other free news aggregators to choose from and all will get the job done. Feedly helps you organize news sources into lists and search keywords within those lists.

 Keep in mind the best sources for relevant industry specific content while setting up your news feed.  Add publications specializing in the Channel and other business relevant news.  (thevarguy, channelmarketer, forbes, gartner, hubspot, etc.) are just some of many sources we use at Channel Maven. Once your sources are set, it’s time to simply select the articles that are both relevant and will resonate with your connections and put them in your Pocket.

Wait, what is Pocket? Pocket is what’s called a ‘save-for-later-app’ used to collect, store and sort the great articles you come across while searching Feedly, the web and any other news aggregators. On your computer, add the Pocket icon to the tool bar and when you find a great article to save, click the icon and wha-la, it’s waiting in your Pocket for later. For content selection on the run – both Feedly and Pocket can be downloaded as apps for your phone or tablet, making waiting in line time productive. – It’s that easy!



Using Pocket along with Feedly saves a tremendous amount of time.

Once you have articles added to your Pocket all you need to do is create some posts and schedule them to go out over your social platforms, all of which can be done right from the Pocket interface!

Be sure to check our blog “Willy Wonka’s 4 step guide to creating killer content” for tips on how to craft your posts. Also if you are looking for a great resource to schedule your social posts, be sure to check out Buffer and our blog “7 tools you’re not using” for more information. Happy posting and if you have any tool suggestions, we’d love to hear your thoughts!